Logic and design
Number Systems:Decimal,Binary,Octal,Hexadecimal, representation of Signed Numbers, Binary Arithmetic in Computers, Logic simplification and Combinational logic design- Minimizing Booleans functions by using various techniques like Boolean Algebra, K-Map,De Morgan’s Theorem etc., Flip- Flops, Register types, Counters, etc synchronous circuits like Synchronous Counter, Pulse train generator,etc., sequential logic design
Integrated devices
Design and analyze combinational logic circuits and modular combinational circuits like Comparators, Multiplexers, Encoder, Decoder etc., Memory organization and operation, expanding memory size, classification and characteristics of different kinds of memories, ADC and DAC blocks required for data conversion, analog and digital CMOS circuits, Understand the fabrication process of IC technology, Analysis and Design of Adders, Multipliers and memories, etc.
Digital Communication
Statistical theory, Performance of digital communication system, Error control codes, Spread Spectrum modulation, Digital modulators, Demodulator, Bit error, digital representation of signals